Käyttöohje Salter 9141 GN3R Ultra Slim Henkilövaaka

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Body Water Chart***
BF % Range Optimal BW % Range
4 to 14% 70 to 63%
15 to 21% 63 to 57%
22 to 24% 57 to 55%
25 and over 55 to 37%
4 to 20% 70 to 58%
21 to 29% 58 to 52 %
30 to 32 % 52 to 49%
33 and over 49 to 37%
***Source: Derived from Wang & Deurenberg: “Hydration of fat-free body mass”. American Journal Clin Nutr 1999,
69 833-841.
Body water measurement results are influenced by the proportion of body fat and
muscle. If the proportion of body fat is high, or the proportion of muscle is low then the
body water results will tend to be low. It is important to remember that measurements
such as body weight, body fat and body water are tools for you to use as part of your
healthy lifestyle. As short term fluctuations are normal, we suggest you chart your
progress over time, rather than focus on a single days reading.
The Body Water % ranges published are for guidance only. Professional medical
guidance should always be sought before embarking on diet and exercise programmes.
Body Mass Index (BMI) is an index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to
classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults. This scale calculates your BMI
value for you. The BMI categories shown in the chart and table below are recognised by
the WHO (World Health Organisation) and can be used to interpret your BMI value.
Your BMI category can be identified using the table below.
BMI Category BMI Value Meaning Health Risk Based Solely On BMI
< 18.5 Underweight Moderate
18.6- 24.9 Normal Low
25- 29.9 Overweight Moderate
30+ Obese High
IMPORTANT: If the chart/table shows that you are outside of a ‘normal’ healthy weight
range, consult your doctor before taking any action. BMI classifications are for adults
(age 20+ years) only.
How exactly is my body fat and water being measured?
This Salter Scale uses a measurement method known as Bioelectrical Impedance
Analysis (BIA). A minute current is sent through your body, via your feet and legs. This
current flows easily through the lean muscular tissue, which has a high fluid
content, but not easily through fat. Therefore, by measuring your body’s impedance (i.e.
its resistance to the current), the quantity of muscle can be determined. From this, the
quantity of fat and water can then be estimated.
What is the value of the current passing through me when the measurement
is taken? Is it safe?
The current is less than 1mA, which is tiny and perfectly safe. You will not be able
to feel it. Please note however, that this device should not be used by anyone with
an internal electronic medical device, such as a pacemaker, as a precaution against
disruption to that device.
If I measure my body fat and water at dierent times during the day, it can
vary quite considerably. Which value is correct?
Your body fat percentage reading varies with body water content, and the latter changes
throughout the course of the day. There is no right or wrong time of the day to take a
reading, but aim to take measurements at a regular time when you consider your body
to be normally hydrated. Avoid taking readings after having a bath or sauna, following
intensive exercise, or within 1-2 hours of drinking in quantity or eating a meal.
My friend has a Body Fat Analyser made by another manufacturer.
When I used it I found that I got a dierent body fat reading. Why is this?
Dierent Body Fat Analysers take measurements around dierent parts of the body and
use dierent mathematic algorithms to calculate the percentage of body fat.
The best advice is to not make comparisons from one device to another, but to use the
same device each time to monitor any change.
How do I interpret my body fat and water percentage readings?
Please refer to the Body Fat and Water tables included with the product. They will guide
you as to whether your body fat and water reading falls into a healthy category
(relative to your age and sex).
What should I do if my body fat reading is very ‘high?
A sensible diet, fluid intake and exercise program can reduce your body fat percentage.
Professional medical guidance should always be sought before embarking on such
a program.
Why are the body fat percentage ranges for men and women so dierent?
Women naturally carry a higher percentage of fat than men, because the make-up of the
body is dierent being geared towards pregnancy, breastfeeding etc.
What should I do if my water percentage reading is ‘low’?
Ensure that you are regularly taking sucient water and work towards moving your fat
percentage into the healthy range.
Why should I avoid using the Body Analyser Scale whilst pregnant?
During pregnancy a woman’s body composition changes considerably in order to
support the developing child. Under these circumstances, body fat percentage readings
could be inaccurate and misleading. Pregnant women should therefore only use the
weight function.
• Alwaysweighyourselfonthesamescaleplacedonthesameoorsurface.
Do not compare weight readings from one scale to another as some dierences will
exist due to manufacturing tolerances.
• Placingyourscaleonahard,evenoorwillensurethegreatestaccuracyand
• Itisrecommendedthatyoumeasureatthesametimeoftheday,preferablyearly
evening before a meal for the most consistent results.
• Yourscaleroundsupordowntothenearestincrement.
If you weigh yourself twice and get two dierent readings, your weight lies between
the two.
• Cleanyourscalewithadampcloth.Donotusechemicalcleaningagents.
• Donotallowyourscaletobecomesaturatedwithwaterasthiscandamagethe
• Treatyourscalewithcare-itisaprecisioninstrument.Donotdropitorjumponit.
• Caution:theplatformmaybecomeslipperywhenwet.
• Youmusthavebarefeetwhenusingbodyfatandtotalbodywatermeasurements.
• Theconditionofyourskinonthebottomofyourfeetcanaectthereading.Toget
the most accurate and consistent reading, wipe your feet with a damp cloth,
leaving them slightly moist before stepping on the scale.
Lataa käyttöohje suomalainen (PDF, 2.63 MB)
(Mieti ympäristöä ja tulosta tämä käyttöopas vain, jos se on todella tarpeen)



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Täällä voit jakaa mielipiteesi Salter 9141 GN3R Ultra Slim Henkilövaaka:sta. Jos sinulla on kysyttävää, lue ensin huolellisesti käyttöohje. Käsikirjaa voi pyytää yhteydenottolomakkeellamme.

Christine Scully 27-08-2020
Millä painikkeella se sammuu?

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Sabine Glorieus 13-01-2023
Vaakaani osoitti Lo. Laitoin uuden akun. Joskus hän ilmoittaa painoni, mutta suurimman osan ajasta hän silti ilmoittaa Lo. Se on kuitenkin oikea akku. Kuinka niin ?

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Ymmärrämme, että on mukavaa, että sinulla on paperikäyttöinen käyttöopas laitteellesi Salter 9141 GN3R Ultra Slim Henkilövaaka. Voit aina ladata oppaan verkkosivuiltamme ja tulostaa sen itse. Jos haluat alkuperäisen käyttöoppaan, suosittelemme ottamaan yhteyttä osoitteeseen Salter. He saattavat pystyä toimittamaan alkuperäisen ohjekirjan. Etsitkö laitteen Salter 9141 GN3R Ultra Slim Henkilövaaka käyttöopasta toisella kielellä? Valitse haluamasi kieli kotisivuiltamme ja etsi mallinumero nähdäksesi, onko sitä saatavilla.

Tekniset tiedot

Tuotemerkki Salter
Malli 9141 GN3R Ultra Slim
Kategoria Henkilövaa'at
Tiedostotyyppi PDF
Tiedoston koko 2.63 MB

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Usein kysytyt kysymykset kohteesta Salter 9141 GN3R Ultra Slim Henkilövaaka

Tukitiimimme etsii hyödyllisiä tuotetietoja ja vastaa yleisiin kysymyksiin. Jos huomaat yleisissä kysymyksissä virheen, kerro siitä meille yhteydenottolomakkeella.

Asteikkoni näyttää epärealistisen pienen painon, kun seison siinä, miksi se on? Todennettu

Parhaan tuloksen saavuttamiseksi vaa'an tulisi olla kovalla tasaisella alustalla. Kun vaaka seisoo esimerkiksi matolla, se voi vaikuttaa mittaukseen.

Tästä oli apual (2507) Lue lisää

Mitä painoindeksi tarkoittaa? Todennettu

Painoindeksi (engl. BMI, body mass index) ilmaisee painon ja pituuden suhteen, ja voit laskea sen jakamalla painosi (kg) pituutesi (m) neliöllä. Jos esimerkiksi paino on 70 kg ja pituus on 1,75 m, painoindeksi on 22,86. Painoindeksiä pidetään terveenä, kun se on välillä 18,5 - 25.

Tästä oli apual (1787) Lue lisää

Laitteeni akku on hapetettu, voinko silti käyttää sitä turvallisesti? Todennettu

Ja, laitetta voidaan silti käyttää turvallisesti. Poista ensin oxidizd-paristo. Älä koskaan käytä tätä paljain käsin. Puhdista sitten paristolokero etikkaan tai sitruunamehuun kastetulla vanupuikolla. Anna sen kuivua ja aseta uudet paristot.

Tästä oli apual (763) Lue lisää

Voinko käyttää vaakaa märillä jaloilla? Todennettu

Tämä riippuu asteikosta. Diagnoosivaakaa käytettäessä on välttämätöntä, että jalkasi ovat kuivat, jotta mittaukset voidaan suorittaa oikein.

Tästä oli apual (457) Lue lisää
Käyttöohje Salter 9141 GN3R Ultra Slim Henkilövaaka

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