Käyttöohje Elektra Bregenz DKW 9560 Liesituuletin

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Carefully read the following important information regarding
installation safety and maintenance. Keep this information
booklet accessible for further consultations. The appliance
has been designed for use in the ducting version (air exhaust
to the outside - Fig.1B), filtering version (air circulation on the
inside - Fig.1A) or with external motor (Fig.1C).
1. Take care when the cooker hood is operating simultane-
ously with an open fireplace or burner that depend on the air
in the environment and are supplied by other than electrical
energy, as the cooker hood removes the air from the environ-
ment which a burner or fireplace need for combustion. The
negative pressure in the environment must not exceed 4Pa
(4x10-5 bar). Provide adequate ventilation in the environment
for a safe operation of the cooker hood. Follow the local laws
applicable for external air evacuation.
Before connecting the model to the electricity network:
- Control the data plate (positioned inside the appliance)
to ascertain that the voltage and power correspond to the
network and the socket is suitable. If in doubt ask a qualified
- If the power supply cable is damaged, it must be replaced with
another cable or a special assembly, which may be obtained
direct from the manufacturer or from the Technical Assistance
- This device must be connected to the supply network through
either a plug fused 3A or hardwired to a 2 fase spur protected
by 3A fuse.
2. Warning!
In certain circumstances electrical appliances may be a
danger hazard.
A) Do not check the status of the filters while the cooker
hood is operating.
B) Do not touch bulbs or adjacent areas, during or straight
after prolonged use of the lighting installation.
C) Flambè cooking is prohibited underneath the cooker
D) Avoid free flame, as it is damaging for the filters and a
fire hazard.
E) Constantly check food frying to avoid that the over-
heated oil may become a fire hazard.
F) Disconnect the electrical plug prior to any maintenance.
G) This appliance is not intended for use by young children
or infirm persons without supervision.
H) Young children should be supervised to ensure they do
not play with the appliance.
I) There shall be adequate ventilation of the room when
the rangehood is used at the same time as appliances
burning gas or other fuels.
L) There is a risk of fire if cleaning is not carried out in
accordance with the instructions.
This appliance conforms to the European Directive EC/2002/96,
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). By making
sure that this appliance is disposed of in a suitable manner, the
user is helping to prevent potential damage to the environ-
ment or to public health.
The symbol on the product or on the accompanying
paperwork indicates that the appliance should not be
treated as domestic waste, but should be delivered to
a suitable electric and electronic appliance recycling collection
point. Follow local guidelines when disposing of waste. For
more information on the treatment, re-use and recycling of
this product, please contact your local authority, domestic
waste collection service or the shop where the appliance was
by specialised personnel.
Note! Verify the data label placed inside the appliance:
- If the symbol
appears on the plate, it means that no earth
connection must be made on the appliance, therefore follow
the instructions concerning insulation class II.
- If the symbol
DOES NOT appear on the plate, follow the
instructions concerning insulation class I.
Insulation class II
- The appliance has been manufactured as a class II, therefore
no earth cable is necessary. The plug must be easily acces-
sible after the installation of the appliance. If the appliance
is equipped with power cord without plug, a suitably di-
mensioned omnipolar switch with 3 mm minimum opening
between contacts must be fitted between the appliance and
the electricity supply in compliance with the load and current
- The connection to the mains is carried out as follows:
BROWN = L line
BLUE = N neutral.
Insulation class I
This is a class I, appliance and must therefore be connected to
an effiecient earthing system.
- The appliance must be connected to the electricity supply as
BROWN = L line
BLUE = N neutral
The neutral wire must be connected to the terminal with the
N symbol while the YELLOW/GREEN, wire must be connected
to the terminal by the earth symbol
When connecting the appliance to the electricity supply, make
sure that the mains socket has an earth connection. After fitting
the ducted cooker hood, make sure that the electrical plug is
in a position where it can be accessed easily. If the appliance
is connected directly to the electricity supply, an omnipolar
switch with a minimum contact opening of 3 mm must be
placed in between the two; its size must be suitable for the
load required and it must comply with current legislation.
The minimum distance between the support surfaces of
the cooking pots on the cooker top and the lowest part of
the cooker hood must be at least 65 cm. If a connection tube
composed of two parts is used, the upper part must be placed
outside the lower part. Do not connect the cooker hood
Lataa käyttöohje suomalainen (PDF, 2.56 MB)
(Mieti ympäristöä ja tulosta tämä käyttöopas vain, jos se on todella tarpeen)



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Täällä voit jakaa mielipiteesi Elektra Bregenz DKW 9560 Liesituuletin:sta. Jos sinulla on kysyttävää, lue ensin huolellisesti käyttöohje. Käsikirjaa voi pyytää yhteydenottolomakkeellamme.

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Ymmärrämme, että on mukavaa, että sinulla on paperikäyttöinen käyttöopas laitteellesi Elektra Bregenz DKW 9560 Liesituuletin. Voit aina ladata oppaan verkkosivuiltamme ja tulostaa sen itse. Jos haluat alkuperäisen käyttöoppaan, suosittelemme ottamaan yhteyttä osoitteeseen Elektra Bregenz. He saattavat pystyä toimittamaan alkuperäisen ohjekirjan. Etsitkö laitteen Elektra Bregenz DKW 9560 Liesituuletin käyttöopasta toisella kielellä? Valitse haluamasi kieli kotisivuiltamme ja etsi mallinumero nähdäksesi, onko sitä saatavilla.

Tekniset tiedot

Tuotemerkki Elektra Bregenz
Malli DKW 9560
Kategoria Liesituulettimet
Tiedostotyyppi PDF
Tiedoston koko 2.56 MB

Kaikki käsikirjat kohteelle Elektra Bregenz Liesituulettimet
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Usein kysytyt kysymykset kohteesta Elektra Bregenz DKW 9560 Liesituuletin

Tukitiimimme etsii hyödyllisiä tuotetietoja ja vastaa yleisiin kysymyksiin. Jos huomaat yleisissä kysymyksissä virheen, kerro siitä meille yhteydenottolomakkeella.

Kuinka etäällä liesituulettimeni pitää olla liesitasosta? Todennettu

Tämä voi hiukan vaihdella merkin mukaan, mutta yleensä liesituuletin tulee sijoittaa vähintään 65 cm:n etäisyydelle kaasukeittotasosta ja vähintään 50 cm:n etäisyydelle sähkö- tai induktiokeittotasosta. Se parantaa paloturvallisuutta.

Tästä oli apual (1232) Lue lisää

Tarvitsenko liesituulettimen moottorilla vai ilman? Todennettu

Moottorilla varustetut liesituulettimet on tarkoitettu, kun ilma siirretään suoraan ulkopuolelle. Liesituuletin ilman moottoria on tarkoitettu keskitettyyn ilmanvaihtojärjestelmään. Älä koskaan liitä liesituulettinta moottorilla keskitettyyn ilmanvaihtojärjestelmään!

Tästä oli apual (660) Lue lisää
Käyttöohje Elektra Bregenz DKW 9560 Liesituuletin

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