Käyttöohje Elektra Bregenz DKW 9560 Liesituuletin

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- 10 -
exhaust to the same conductor used to circulate hot air or for
evacuating fumes from other appliances generated by other
than an electrical source. Before proceeding with the assembly
operations, remove the anti-grease filter(s) (Fig.11) so that the
unit is easier to handle.
- In the case of assembly of the appliance in the suction version
prepare the hole for evacuation of the air.
We recommend the use of an air exhaust tube which has the
same diameter as the air exhaust outlet hole. If a pipe with a
smaller diameter is used, the efficiency of the product may be
reduced and its operation may become noisier.
Before proceeding with the installation of the appliance, fix
the power cable connection box using 2 screws Y (supplied),
as shown in Fig.1A.
- Remove the structure from the packaging and remove the 2
screws A to separate the upper part from the lower part (Fig.3).
- Position hole template on the ceiling paying attention that the
arrow is positioned on the same side as the appliance controls
Make 4, Ø8 holes in the ceiling and drive in 3 screws without
completely tightening them. Pay attention not to insert the
screw into the hole marked with an X on the hole template
(the screws and expansion plugs must be suitable for the
type of wall).
- Take the upper part of the structure B (Fig.4 - Fig.5) and insert
the 3 slots onto the 3 screws that are not completely tightened.
Rotate slightly to fit (Fig.5).
Drive in the fourth screw X and tighten the remaining 3 to allow
definitive blocking of the upper part of structure B.
- Take the lower part of the telescopic structure C and insert it
into the upper structure B (Fig.6).
- Adjust the height as desired and x it using the 8 screws
provided (Fig.7).
 fix the flexible pipe to the prepared air
evacuation hole (Fig.8).
 fix the flexible pipe to the deflector M
and fix screw I as indicated in (Fig.9), the active carbon filters
must be applied to the suction unit positioned inside the hood
- Take the upper chimney piece and fix it to the structure using
the 2 screws A (Fig.10).
Join the lower chimney piece with the upper one and fix it
carefully using adhesive tape L (Fig.12A).
- Tighten the 2 screws O by a maximum of 3 mm (Fig.12A).
Introduce the cooker hood into the frame, ensuring that screws
O hook into the slots on the lower part as indicated in Fig.12B.
Tighten the 4 screws N (supplied) and pull the 2 screws O
- Fix the air evacuation pipe H (not supplied) onto the connec-
tion flange F (Fig.13).
- Remove adhesive tape L and rest the lower chimney piece
above the cooker hood (Fig.14).
We recommend that the cooker hood is switched on before
any food is cooked. We also recommend that the appliance is
left running for 15 minutes after the food is cooked, in order
to thoroughly eliminate all contaminated air. The effective
performance of the cooker hood depends on constant main-
tenance; the anti-grease filter and the active carbon filter both
require special attention.
 is responsible retaining the grease
particles suspended in the air, therefore it is subject to clogging
with variable frequency according to the use of the appliance.
- To prevent the danger of possible fires, at least every 2
months one must wash the anti-grease filters by hand using
non-abrasive neutral liquid detergents or in the dishwasher
at low temperatures and on short cycles.
- After a few washes, colour alterations may occur. This does
not give the right to claim their replacement.
 are used to purify the air that is
sent back into the room and its function is to mitigate the
unpleasant odours produced by cooking.
- The non-regenerable active carbon filters must be replaced
at least every 4 months. The saturation of the active charcoal
depends on the more or less prolonged use of the appliance,
on the type of kitchen and on the frequency with which anti-
grease filter is cleaned.
erable active charcoal filters it is important that they are
completely dry.
using a cloth dampened with water or non-abrasive neutral
liquid detergents.
The lighting .system is designed for use during cooking
and not for the prolonged general lighting of the room. The
prolonged use of the lighting system significantly decreases
the average duration of the bulbs.
 the non compliance with the hood cleaning
warnings and with the replacement and cleaning of the filters
entails risk of fires. One therefore recommends keeping to the
suggested instructions.
To replace the halogen light bulbs B, remove the glass pane
C using a lever action on the relevant cracks.
Replace the bulbs with new ones of the same type.
Caution: do not touch the light bulb with bare hands.
If the appliance version is with LED lamps, the intervention of
a specialised technician is necessary to replace them.
Only use lamps of the same type and Wattage installed on
the device.
.A.B) the key symbols are
explained below:
G = MOTOR WORKING indicator.
 .A.B) the key symbols are
explained below:
F = AUTOMATIC STOP TIMER - 15 minutes 
If your appliance has the INTENSIVE speed function, from
speed THREE, press key E for 2 seconds and it will be activated
Lataa käyttöohje suomalainen (PDF, 2.56 MB)
(Mieti ympäristöä ja tulosta tämä käyttöopas vain, jos se on todella tarpeen)



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Täällä voit jakaa mielipiteesi Elektra Bregenz DKW 9560 Liesituuletin:sta. Jos sinulla on kysyttävää, lue ensin huolellisesti käyttöohje. Käsikirjaa voi pyytää yhteydenottolomakkeellamme.

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Ymmärrämme, että on mukavaa, että sinulla on paperikäyttöinen käyttöopas laitteellesi Elektra Bregenz DKW 9560 Liesituuletin. Voit aina ladata oppaan verkkosivuiltamme ja tulostaa sen itse. Jos haluat alkuperäisen käyttöoppaan, suosittelemme ottamaan yhteyttä osoitteeseen Elektra Bregenz. He saattavat pystyä toimittamaan alkuperäisen ohjekirjan. Etsitkö laitteen Elektra Bregenz DKW 9560 Liesituuletin käyttöopasta toisella kielellä? Valitse haluamasi kieli kotisivuiltamme ja etsi mallinumero nähdäksesi, onko sitä saatavilla.

Tekniset tiedot

Tuotemerkki Elektra Bregenz
Malli DKW 9560
Kategoria Liesituulettimet
Tiedostotyyppi PDF
Tiedoston koko 2.56 MB

Kaikki käsikirjat kohteelle Elektra Bregenz Liesituulettimet
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Usein kysytyt kysymykset kohteesta Elektra Bregenz DKW 9560 Liesituuletin

Tukitiimimme etsii hyödyllisiä tuotetietoja ja vastaa yleisiin kysymyksiin. Jos huomaat yleisissä kysymyksissä virheen, kerro siitä meille yhteydenottolomakkeella.

Kuinka etäällä liesituulettimeni pitää olla liesitasosta? Todennettu

Tämä voi hiukan vaihdella merkin mukaan, mutta yleensä liesituuletin tulee sijoittaa vähintään 65 cm:n etäisyydelle kaasukeittotasosta ja vähintään 50 cm:n etäisyydelle sähkö- tai induktiokeittotasosta. Se parantaa paloturvallisuutta.

Tästä oli apual (1221) Lue lisää

Tarvitsenko liesituulettimen moottorilla vai ilman? Todennettu

Moottorilla varustetut liesituulettimet on tarkoitettu, kun ilma siirretään suoraan ulkopuolelle. Liesituuletin ilman moottoria on tarkoitettu keskitettyyn ilmanvaihtojärjestelmään. Älä koskaan liitä liesituulettinta moottorilla keskitettyyn ilmanvaihtojärjestelmään!

Tästä oli apual (643) Lue lisää
Käyttöohje Elektra Bregenz DKW 9560 Liesituuletin

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