Käyttöohje Makita BMR105 Radio

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3-2. Installing or removing Cluster battery cartridge
(Fig. 5-9)
Pull the supporting bar to allow the battery to insert to
the terminal.
To insert the battery cartridge, align the tongue on the
battery cartridge with the groove in the housing and slip
it into place.
Release the supporting bar.
To remove the battery cartridge, pull the supporting bar
and take the battery out of the terminal.
4. Return the battery compartment locker to the original
5. Reduced power, distortion and a “stuttering sound
are the signs that the main battery pack needs to
The battery pack can’t be charged via the supplied AC
power adaptor.
Installing the soft bended rod antenna
(Fig. 10-11)
Install the soft bended rod antenna as shown in the figure.
There is a click in the battery compartment designed to
store the removed antenna.
Using supplied AC power adaptor
(Fig. 12)
Remove the rubber protector and insert the adaptor plug
into the DC socket on the front side of the radio. Plug the
adaptor into a standard mains socket outlet. Whenever
the adaptor is used, the battery pack is automatically
disconnected. The AC adaptor should be disconnected
from the main supply when not in use.
Operating the radio
This radio has three tuning methods- Scan tuning, Manual
tuning and Memory presets recall.
Selecting a station – DAB
1. Press the Power button to switch on your radio.
2. Select the DAB mode by pressing the Band button.
3. Press the Advanced setting button and rotate the
Volume/Tuning Control/Select knob until “Station List”
is flashing on the screen. Press the Volume/Tuning
Control/Select knob to enter the list of the stations.
4. Rotate the Volume/Tuning Control/Select knob to
scroll through the list of available stations. Press the
knob to select the station.
5. Adjust the desired volume by rotating the Volume/
Tuning Control/Select knob.
Display modes – DAB
Your radio has a range of display options in the DAB
Press the Info button to cycle through the various options
shown in the following letters (a. to g.).
a. Station name Indicates the station name being
listened to.
b. Program type Indicates the type of station being
listened to. E.g. Pop, Classics,
News, etc.
c. Multiplex name Indicates the name of the DAB
multiplex to which the current
station belongs.
d. Time & date Indicates the current time and date.
e. Frequency and channel
Indicates the frequency and
channel number for the currently
tuned DAB station.
f. Bit rate/Audio type
Indicates the digital audio bit rate
and audio type for the currently
tuned DAB station.
g. Signal strength Indicates the signal strength for the
currently tuned DAB station.
Finding new stations – DAB
From time to time, new DAB radio stations may become
available. Or you may have moved to a different part of
the country. In this case you may need to activate your
radio to scan for new stations.
To allow the radio to find the available stations, it is
recommended to carry out a full scan of the entire DAB
Band III frequencies.
1. Press the Auto tune button.
2. Your radio will perform a full scan of the DAB
frequencies. As new stations are found, the station
counter on the left side in the display will increase and
stations will be added to the list.
Manual tuning – DAB
Manual tuning allows you to tune your radio to a particular
DAB frequency in Band III. This function can also be used
to assist the positioning of the antenna or the radio so as
to optimize reception for a specific channel or frequency.
1. Press the Advanced setting button and rotate the
Volume/Tuning Control/Select knob until “Manual
Tune” shown on the display. Press the Volume/Tuning
Control/Select knob to enter the manual tuning mode.
2. Rotate the Volume/Tuning Control/Select knob to
select the desired DAB channel. Press Volume/Tuning
Control/Select knob to confirm the chosen frequency.
Dynamic Range Control (DRC) – DAB
DRC feature can make quieter sounds easier to hear
when your radio is used in a noisy environment by
reducing the dynamic range of the audio signal.
There are three levels of compression:
DRC 0 No compression applied.
DRC 1/2 Medium compression applied.
DRC 1 Maximum compression applied.
1. Press the Power button to switch on your radio.
2. Press the Band button to select the DAB band.
3. Press the Advanced setting button and rotate the
Volume/Tuning Control/Select knob until “DRC Value”
Lataa käyttöohje suomalainen (PDF, 1.98 MB)
(Mieti ympäristöä ja tulosta tämä käyttöopas vain, jos se on todella tarpeen)



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Ymmärrämme, että on mukavaa, että sinulla on paperikäyttöinen käyttöopas laitteellesi Makita BMR105 Radio. Voit aina ladata oppaan verkkosivuiltamme ja tulostaa sen itse. Jos haluat alkuperäisen käyttöoppaan, suosittelemme ottamaan yhteyttä osoitteeseen Makita. He saattavat pystyä toimittamaan alkuperäisen ohjekirjan. Etsitkö laitteen Makita BMR105 Radio käyttöopasta toisella kielellä? Valitse haluamasi kieli kotisivuiltamme ja etsi mallinumero nähdäksesi, onko sitä saatavilla.

Tekniset tiedot

Tuotemerkki Makita
Malli BMR105
Kategoria Radiot
Tiedostotyyppi PDF
Tiedoston koko 1.98 MB

Kaikki käsikirjat kohteelle Makita Radiot
Lisää Radiot käsikirjoja

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Mitä DAB+ tarkoittaa? Todennettu

DAB+ on FM-radiolähetysteknologian seuraaja (engl. digital audio broadcasting). Se on digitaalinen signaali, joka tarjoaa suuremman määrän kanavia, laajemman alueen ja helpomman kanavanvaihdon.

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Mitä eroa on FM: llä ja AM: lla? Todennettu

FM ja AM ovat molemmat modulaation muodot, joita käytetään signaalin lähettämiseen. FM tarkoittaa taajuusmodulaatiota ja AM tarkoittaa amplitudimodulaatiota. AM on vanhin modulaation muoto. Suurin ero on, että FM-signaali on paljon vahvempi kuin AM-signaali.

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Käyttöohje Makita BMR105 Radio

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