Käyttöohje Lenco SCD-580SI Stereosetti

Tarvitsetko käyttöoppaan Lenco SCD-580SI Stereosetti? Alta voit katsoa ja ladata suomenkielisen PDF-oppaan ilmaiseksi. Tällä tuotteella on tällä hetkellä 0 usein kysyttyä kysymystä, 0 kommenttia ja 0 ääntä. Jos tämä ei ole haluamasi käyttöopas, ota meihin yhteyttä.

Onko tuotteessa vika, eikä käyttöoppaasta ole apua? Siirry Repair Café ‑alueelle etsimään ilmaisia korjauspalveluita.



Usage of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous
radiation exposure.
1. Do not cover or block any ventilation openings. When placing the device on a shelf, leave 5 cm (2”) free space around
the whole device.
2. Install in accordance with the supplied user manual.
3. Keep the device away from heat sources such as radiators, heaters, stoves, candles and other heat-generating products
or naked flame. The apparatus can only be used in moderate climates. Extremely cold or warm environments should be
avoided. Working temperature between 0° and 35° C.
4. Avoid using the device near strong magnetic fields.
5. Electrostatic discharge can disturb normal usage of this device. If so, simply reset and restart the device following the
instruction manual. During file transmission, please handle with care and operate in a static-free environment.
6. Warning! Never insert an object into the product through the vents or openings. High voltage flows through the
product and inserting an object can cause electric shock and/or short circuit internal parts. For the same reason, do not
spill water or liquid on the product.
7. Do not use in wet or moist areas such as bathrooms, steamy kitchens or near swimming pools.
8. The apparatus shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing and make sure that no objects filled with liquids, such as
vases, are placed on or near the apparatus.
9. Do not use this device when condensation may occur. When the unit is used in a warm wet room with damp, water
droplets or condensation may occur inside the unit and the unit could maybe not work properly; let the unit stand in
power OFF for 1 or 2 hours before turning on the power: the unit should be dry before getting any power.
10. Although this device is manufactured with the utmost care and checked several times before leaving the factory, it is
still possible that problems may occur, as with all electrical appliances. If you notice smoke, an excessive build-up of
heat or any other unexpected phenomena, you should disconnect the plug from the main power socket immediately.
11. This device must operate on a power source as specified on the specification label. If you are not sure of the type of
power supply used in your home, consult your dealer or local power company.
12. Keep away from rodents. Rodents enjoy biting on power cords.
13. To clean the device, use a soft dry cloth. Do not use solvents or petrol based fluids. To remove severe stains, you may
use a damp cloth with dilute detergent.
14. The supplier is not responsible for damage or lost data caused by malfunction, misuse, modification of the device or
battery replacement.
15. Do not interrupt the connection when the device is formatting or transferring files. Otherwise, data may be corrupted
or lost.
16. If the unit has USB playback function, the usb memory stick should be plugged into the unit directly. Don’t use an usb
extension cable because it can cause interference resulting in failing of data.
17. The rating label has been marked on the bottom or back panel of the apparatus.
18. This device is not intended for use by people (including children) with physical, sensory or mental disabilities, or a lack
of experience and knowledge, unless they’re under supervision or have received instructions about the correct use of
the device by the person who is responsible for their safety.
19. This product is intended for non professional use only and not for commercial or industrial use.
20. Make sure the unit is adjusted to a stable position. Damage caused by using this product in an unstable position
vibrations or shocks or by failure to follow any other warning or precaution contained within this user manual will not
be covered by warranty.
21. Never remove the casing of this apparatus.
22. Never place this apparatus on other electrical equipment.
23. Do not allow children access to plastic bags.
24. Only use attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer.
Lataa käyttöohje suomalainen (PDF, 1.62 MB)
(Mieti ympäristöä ja tulosta tämä käyttöopas vain, jos se on todella tarpeen)



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Täällä voit jakaa mielipiteesi Lenco SCD-580SI Stereosetti:sta. Jos sinulla on kysyttävää, lue ensin huolellisesti käyttöohje. Käsikirjaa voi pyytää yhteydenottolomakkeellamme.

Lisää tästä ohjekirjasta

Ymmärrämme, että on mukavaa, että sinulla on paperikäyttöinen käyttöopas laitteellesi Lenco SCD-580SI Stereosetti. Voit aina ladata oppaan verkkosivuiltamme ja tulostaa sen itse. Jos haluat alkuperäisen käyttöoppaan, suosittelemme ottamaan yhteyttä osoitteeseen Lenco. He saattavat pystyä toimittamaan alkuperäisen ohjekirjan. Etsitkö laitteen Lenco SCD-580SI Stereosetti käyttöopasta toisella kielellä? Valitse haluamasi kieli kotisivuiltamme ja etsi mallinumero nähdäksesi, onko sitä saatavilla.

Tekniset tiedot

Tuotemerkki Lenco
Malli SCD-580SI
Kategoria Stereosetit
Tiedostotyyppi PDF
Tiedoston koko 1.62 MB

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Käyttöohje Lenco SCD-580SI Stereosetti

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