Käyttöohje ETNA 4265 Liesituuletin

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Carefully read the following important information regarding installa-
tion safety and maintenance. Keep this information booklet accessible
for further consultations.
The appliance has been designed as a exhausting version (external
exhaust) or as a filter version (internal air recycle) cooker hood.
1. ake care when the cooker hood is operating simultaneously with an
open fireplace or burner that depend on the air in the environment and
are supplied by other than electrical energy, as the cooker hood re-
moves the air from the environment which a burner or fireplace need
for combustion.
The negative pressure in the environment must not exceed 4 Pa
(4 x 10 -5 bar).
Provide adequate ventilation in the environment for a safe operation of
the cooker hood.
Follow the local laws applicable for external air evacuation.
In certain circumstances electrical appliances may be a danger
A) Do not check the status of the filters while the cooker hood
is operating
B) Do not touch the light bulbs after appliance use
C) Flambè cooking is prohibited underneath the cooker hood
D) Avoid free flame, as it is damaging for the filters and a fire
E) Constantly check food frying to avoid that the overheated oil
may become a fire hazard
F) Disconnect the electrical plug prior to any maintenance.
• Electric Connection
The appliance has been manufactured as a class II, therefore no earth
cable is necessary.
The connection to the mains is carried out as follows:
BROWN = L line
BLUE = N neutral
If not provided, connect a plug for the electrical load indicated on the
description label. Where a plug is provided, the cooker hood must be
installed in order that the plug is easily accessible.
An omnipolar switch with a minimum aperture of 3mm between con-
tacts, in line with the electrical load and local standards, must be placed
between the appliance and the network in the case of direct connection
to the electrical network.
• The appliance must be installed at a minimum height of 650 mm from
an cooker stove.
If a connection tube composed of two parts is used, the upper part must
be placed outside the lower part.
Do not connect the cooker hood exhaust to the same conductor used
to circulate hot air or for evacuating fumes from other appliances gen-
erated by other than an electrical source.
ATTENTION: should the lamps not work, make sure they are well
Drill 2 holes of 2,5 mm diameter on the side of the hanging cupboards
as showed in the fig. 1 considering also the thickness of the front panel,
so that the hood remains at the same level of the side hanging
Fix the hood to the hanging cupboards through 4 screws, which are
appropriate to that kind of cupboard. .
Close the room, which eventually remains between the hood and the
wall adjusting the spacer (L) by acting on the appropriate screws (P)
fig. 1.
Drill 6 holes on the wall as showed in fig. 2.
Fix the spacer (L) on the wall at the right height, according to the depth
of the hanging cupboards fig. 2.
Adjust the position of the superior clamps (M) fig. 2, according to the
depth of the side hanging cupboards.
Fix the hood on the wall through 4 screws and dowels with expanding
plug , which are appropriate to that kind of wall (ex. concrete, plaster-
board, etc.).
Fix the hood to the spacer through the screws (P) fig. 1.
Take off the door (E) by removing the grill (G) and pulling at the same
time the special spring locking knobs (H) fig. 3.
Fix the door on the front panel through the screws at the level indicated
in fig. 3.
Replace the door by inserting it in the upper and lower slides until the
spring locking knobs (H) are released.
Insert the coupling flange (B) in the hole (A) and connect the discharge
pipe to the same fig. 1.
Demand your dealer the active carbon filter, if they are not supplied.
Active carbon filters are necessary to depurate the air, that will be
released in the room. Filters are not washable; they cannot be regen-
erated and have to be replaced at most every 4 months. The saturation
of the activated charcoal depends on the more or less prolonged use
of the hood, on the type of cooking and on the regularity of cleaning the
grease filter. The filter has to be applied to the aspirating group, which
is inside the hood hiting the centre of the group with it and turning it of
90° degrees until the stop click is heard to lock it fig. 4.
It is recommended to operate the appliance prior to cooking.
It is recommended to leave the appliance in operation for 15 minutes
after cooking is terminated in order to completely eliminate cooking
vapours and odours.
The proper function of the cooker hood is conditioned by the regularity
of the maintenance operations, in particular, the active carbon filter.
The anti-grease filters capture the grease particles suspended in the
air, and are therefore subject to clogging according to the frequency of
the use of the appliance.
In order to prevent fire hazard, it is recommendable to clean the filter
at a maximum of 2 months by carrying out the following instructions:
- Remove the filters from the cooker hood and wash them in a solution
of water and neutral liquid detergent, leaving to soak.
- Rinse thoroughly with warm water and leave to dry.
- The filters may also be washed in the dishwasher.
The aluminium panels may alter in colour after several washes. This
is not cause for customer complaint nor replacement of panels.
The active carbon filters purify the air that is replaced in the environ-
ment. The filters are not washable nor re-useable and must be re-
placed at maximum every four months. The saturation of the active
carbon filter depends on the frequency of use of the appliance, by the
type of cooking and the regularity of cleaning the anti-grease filters.
Clean the fan and other surfaces of the cooker hood regularly using
a cloth moistened with denatured alcohol or non abrasive liquid deter-
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Ymmärrämme, että on mukavaa, että sinulla on paperikäyttöinen käyttöopas laitteellesi ETNA 4265 Liesituuletin. Voit aina ladata oppaan verkkosivuiltamme ja tulostaa sen itse. Jos haluat alkuperäisen käyttöoppaan, suosittelemme ottamaan yhteyttä osoitteeseen ETNA. He saattavat pystyä toimittamaan alkuperäisen ohjekirjan. Etsitkö laitteen ETNA 4265 Liesituuletin käyttöopasta toisella kielellä? Valitse haluamasi kieli kotisivuiltamme ja etsi mallinumero nähdäksesi, onko sitä saatavilla.

Tekniset tiedot

Tuotemerkki ETNA
Malli 4265
Kategoria Liesituulettimet
Tiedostotyyppi PDF
Tiedoston koko 0.56 MB

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Usein kysytyt kysymykset kohteesta ETNA 4265 Liesituuletin

Tukitiimimme etsii hyödyllisiä tuotetietoja ja vastaa yleisiin kysymyksiin. Jos huomaat yleisissä kysymyksissä virheen, kerro siitä meille yhteydenottolomakkeella.

Kuinka etäällä liesituulettimeni pitää olla liesitasosta? Todennettu

Tämä voi hiukan vaihdella merkin mukaan, mutta yleensä liesituuletin tulee sijoittaa vähintään 65 cm:n etäisyydelle kaasukeittotasosta ja vähintään 50 cm:n etäisyydelle sähkö- tai induktiokeittotasosta. Se parantaa paloturvallisuutta.

Tästä oli apual (1219) Lue lisää

Tarvitsenko liesituulettimen moottorilla vai ilman? Todennettu

Moottorilla varustetut liesituulettimet on tarkoitettu, kun ilma siirretään suoraan ulkopuolelle. Liesituuletin ilman moottoria on tarkoitettu keskitettyyn ilmanvaihtojärjestelmään. Älä koskaan liitä liesituulettinta moottorilla keskitettyyn ilmanvaihtojärjestelmään!

Tästä oli apual (642) Lue lisää
Käyttöohje ETNA 4265 Liesituuletin

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