Käyttöohje Cotech GT 18 Nurmikon reunaleikkuri

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Onko tuotteessa vika, eikä käyttöoppaasta ole apua? Siirry Repair Café ‑alueelle etsimään ilmaisia korjauspalveluita.



3) Personal safety
a) Pay attention to what you are doing and use common sense when using
power tools. Never use power tools if you are tired or under theinfluence of
drugs, alcohol or medication. One moment of inattention while using apower
tool may result in aserious injury.
b) Wear protective clothing. Always wear safety glasses. Using protective
clothing such as dust masks, non-slip safety shoes, helmets and ear defenders
decreases therisk of injury.
c) Avoid accidental starts. Make sure that thepower switch is set to OFF before
plugging thepower tool into awall socket, fitting thebattery or picking up/
carrying thepower tool. Carrying apower tool with your finger on thepower
switch/trigger or connecting thepower tool to awall socket when thepower
switch is set to ON is inviting anaccident.
d) Remove all service tools/keys before switching on thepower tool. A service
tool left on arotating part of thepower tool may result in personal injury.
e) Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and balance at all times. This ensures
better control over thepower tool in unexpected situations.
f) Wear suitable clothing. Do not wear loose-fitting clothing or jewellery.
Keep hair, clothes and gloves away from moving parts. Loose-fitting clothes,
jewellery or long hair could become caught in moving parts.
g) If equipment for dust extraction or collecting is available make sure it is
connected and used properly. Use of dust collection equipment can reduce
dust related hazards.
4) Use and maintenance of thepower tool
a) Do not force thepower tool. Use apower tool suitable for thework you are
about to perform. The proper power tool will perform thetask better and safer if
used at thecorrect feed rate.
b) Never use thepower tool if thepower switch does not switch thetool on and
off properly. All power tools that cannot be controlled by thepower switch are
dangerous and must be repaired.
c) Unplug thelead from thewall socket or remove thebattery before making
any adjustments, changing accessories or storing thepower tool. These
precautions reduce therisk of thepower tool starting unexpectedly.
d) Store power tools that are not being used out of children’s reach. Do not
allow people who are unfamiliar with thetool or these instructions to operate
thetool. Power tools can be dangerous if they fall into thehands of inexperienced
e) Maintain power tools. Check for any incorrect settings, parts that
catch, broken parts or anything else which may cause thepower tool to
malfunction. If something is damaged it must be repaired before use. Many
accidents are caused by poorly maintained power tools.
Lataa käyttöohje suomalainen (PDF, 5.47 MB)
(Mieti ympäristöä ja tulosta tämä käyttöopas vain, jos se on todella tarpeen)



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Täällä voit jakaa mielipiteesi Cotech GT 18 Nurmikon reunaleikkuri:sta. Jos sinulla on kysyttävää, lue ensin huolellisesti käyttöohje. Käsikirjaa voi pyytää yhteydenottolomakkeellamme.

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Ymmärrämme, että on mukavaa, että sinulla on paperikäyttöinen käyttöopas laitteellesi Cotech GT 18 Nurmikon reunaleikkuri. Voit aina ladata oppaan verkkosivuiltamme ja tulostaa sen itse. Jos haluat alkuperäisen käyttöoppaan, suosittelemme ottamaan yhteyttä osoitteeseen Cotech. He saattavat pystyä toimittamaan alkuperäisen ohjekirjan. Etsitkö laitteen Cotech GT 18 Nurmikon reunaleikkuri käyttöopasta toisella kielellä? Valitse haluamasi kieli kotisivuiltamme ja etsi mallinumero nähdäksesi, onko sitä saatavilla.

Tekniset tiedot

Tuotemerkki Cotech
Malli GT 18
Kategoria Nurmikon reunaleikkurit
Tiedostotyyppi PDF
Tiedoston koko 5.47 MB

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Käyttöohje Cotech GT 18 Nurmikon reunaleikkuri

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